Women Empowerment Greeting Cards for Your Store

Women's Empowerment is not an alien concept. It's something delayed, but it's here, and it's important we take its full advantage. 

The women around us need empowerment, no lie there. Sometimes, our female friends and family members need subtle reminders of their strength.

Remind them through cards. They are cute, sophisticated, and hit the right spot. At Inkwell Cards, we have a variety of friendship greeting cards at wholesale for your boutique store.

Keep scrolling and browse through the captivating designs mentioned below.

Stand Tall Darling

Empowering one and another is a beautiful concept, one that the world needs. On the other hand, Women’s Empowerment in itself is extremely important too. 

It's not like a trend. The concept is here to stay and dominate. Therefore there's no harm in stacking these kinds of cards up. 

First, in line, we have this "Stand Tall Darling,” which couldn't look more regal and sophisticated. The color combination and the way the text is written are extremely captivating, and the flamingo is a cherry on top. 

The bottom line is this card would be perfect for giving someone you know who's having a tough time, or it can be a simple reminder to Stand Tall.

Stand Tall Darling | Friendship Greeting Card: https://www.faire.com/product/p_50gnwg3ryb?refB=1

Practice Self-Love

There's no lie when we say to feel empowered and strong. You need to love yourself first. 

This card is that perfect reminder. When you have confidence within yourself, how you feel, how you look, how you talk, etc., you automatically have this natural aura of empowerment and security around you. 

This card is just the perfect reminder that it's time to enable all the above-mentioned qualities within yourself, and it would make the perfect gift.

The different designs that include a teacup, book and pencil, letters, mirror, and whatnot are captivating and hit the right spot. 

The overall theme of the card is applaud-worthy and a great reminder to take some time for yourself.

If you know any of your friends going through a burnt-out or your family member who needs a little boost, give them this card. It will do wonders for them.

Practice Self Love | Friendship Greeting Card: https://www.faire.com/product/p_4hucjyg9j6?refB=1

Wonder Woman

Throughout the shenanigans of life, sometimes one forgets what they are capable of, what strength they hold within themselves, and simply that they are strong. You especially see the women struggling with all this when society is determined to extinguish their fire. 

So what do you do? You give them this card. It's better than a random text message or call. This card will be there for them in the future, something they can look back to and gather courage from it. 

The card’s design is nothing less than beautiful, and its message is extremely important. We all needed someone to remind us, " You are a Wonder Woman,” didn't we? 

Be that someone for your female friends, mother, sister, and colleagues. To make things more special, add a personalized note within the card, adding empowering words and telling your loved ones that they are no less than a wonder woman.

Wonder Woman | Friendship Greeting Card: https://www.faire.com/product/p_cgfn9369z4?bPage=3&refB=1

Bad Ass Babe

We all have someone badass in our lives, someone we look up to and admire their strength and courage. For most of us, it's our mother, and for others, it's their friends. 

Whoever it is, they need to be appreciated for their sheer strength and courage. This card is the perfect way to do that. 

The words "Bad-Ass Babe" written in bold get the message around. Empowering one another is a beautiful concept, one that we need to take hold of and implement in our daily lives. 

You don't need to celebrate this process when an occasion pops up or one of your friends gets a promotion. Going through daily life is itself tiring for women, don't you agree? 

The patriarchy, the opportunities missed, and the society as a whole makes it difficult for all the women out there. 

Bad Ass Babe | Friendship Greeting Card: https://www.faire.com/product/p_dzi8id1r57?bPage=3&refB=1

Why the Hell Not

Truer words have never been written. But, do you know someone who has been given a choice to grasp a big opportunity?

It can be a promotion or something that comes with increased responsibility, but they are hesitant on whether to take it or not. 

Be that little push for them and give them this "Why the Hell Not" card. Add little words of encouragement for them. It will for sure give them that boost of empowerment.

Why the Hell Not | Friendship Greeting Card: https://www.faire.com/product/p_4w7leykua4?bPage=4&refB=1


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